What is Statistics and Its Types
Statistics is a very very important as a subject to learn in the field of Data Science
In this article, I am following up what is statistics and its type
So let’s start…….
What is Statistics?
Statistics is a scientific method of collection of theories & techniques of summarizing numerical information to make sense out of it.
Statistics deals with the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation and presentation of data.
By the help of statistics as a tool we can get beautiful and meaningful insights from the data.
There are two types of statistics:
- Descriptive Statistics
- Inferential Statistics
Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive statistics mainly focuses on organizing, analyzing and summarizing the data in the form of numbers and graph.
We have some kind of graphs like Bar graphs, Histograms, Pie-Charts, CDF(Cumulative Density Function) & PDF(Probability Density Function).
After finalizing all these things can be used to show case the respective clients or stakeholders.
Example: Let’s say we have some information of height
{180cm, 170cm,162cm,150cm,165cm,160cm}
From above sample of data we can find Mean, Median and Mode
When we are talking about the descriptive statistics then the data would be Population or Sample Data
Inferential Statistics
Inferential statistics deals with conclusion or inference using some experiments.
Experiments like z-test, t-test.
To understand Inferential Statistics we can take example of Election to be held in the College for the president position.
Let’s say a college is having a 1000 students and as a statistician we have a task to predict who is going to be the president of the college.
We are not going to ask each and every students (1000) to know about the election.
It is pretty not so much hard but let’s say instead of 1000 there would be 10K Students then the task is impossible.
So we will take the thoughts of 100 to 200 Students and make one sample from all 1000 students and create 4 or 5 groups and will find the total percentage and who will get the higher percentage will win the election.
Conclusion: Using the sample data, we have obtained some information and are concluding that who can win this election.